Infection Prevention in Aged Care

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This course provides an overview of the importance of hand hygiene, surface cleaning and disinfecting and correct product selection to address the outcome required. Included in this course are links to clinical data, Safe Work Australia websites, demonstration videos, links to wall charts, a short quiz and certificate on completion.


Key Learning outcomes from this course:

  • Understand what considerations are required for Infection Prevention in Aged Care
  • Understand the guidelines and federal requirements for Infection Prevention in Aged Care
  • Product selection based on outcome required

Please contact us if you have any questions relating to this course.



  1. Guideline links to Aged Care
  2. Clinical papers which reflect the content.
  3. Demonstration videos
  4. Product selection guides
  5. Product SDS and technical bulletins.
  6. Biofilms



Guidelines associated with Residential +/- Aged Care

This learning module is based on requirements for the prevention of infection in residential care which are outlined in the following guidelines:

NHMRC – Prevention and Control of Infection in Aged care:

This document has been rescinded but remains a guide for the worker within aged care on the basic principles of infection prevention.

Australian Government. Aged Care Quality and Safety Commission.
Describes a risk management approach to providing safe and personal care to everyone to optimise their health and well-being.



At the end of this module the learner will be able to:

Identify what causes infection.

Explain why prevention of infection particularly within Residential and Aged Care is important.

Describe how to prevent infection in the Residential Care setting.

Choose the correct Hand Hygiene and Environmental cleaning products for their situation.

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